Saturday 29 February 2020

Week 2 Assignment Stairs Submission

Ideation Phase
Section Sketches of Stairs

Stairs 1
Stairs 2
Stairs 3

Stairs 4
Stairs 5

Stairs 6

 Sketchup Stairs Section Views 

Front View
Back View
Side View
Stairs 2 was initially the chosen design, however due to the space constraints, an additional fleet of stairs was required. Hence, I incorporated ideas from stairs 1 in order to resolve the lack of space. By including a cantilever stair, it opened up more options for me to work with.

3d SketchUp Version

Due to the intricate designs of Mountain & Moon accessories, positive and negative spaces were explored through the use of wires which developed more details for the balusters. In addition, inspired the word "Form",  the design was developed using only generic forms. Contrary to traditional jewellery showrooms, wood was choosen as a material for the stairs to reflect the exotic visuals of the accessories.  

Sunday 23 February 2020

Week 1 SketchUp Assignment 

Sketchup Model
Materials: Glass, Wood, Granite

18 Sketches 
















Sketch Version of Sketchup

Words: Form, Intrigue
Client: Mountian & Moon, Treant Jansen

Saturday 15 February 2020

ARCH 1101 Design Studio 1

a: My Creative Piece

This is a pencil holder that I made out of unconventional materials. It is an interesting project because it encourages students to be brave and explore different options and types of materials to display creativity. Hence, the material that I used was a metal brackets which were traditionally used to attach one component to another. 

b: A Great Piece of Architecture

Located deep in the rainforest of north Guatemala, the Tikal Mayan Temples are believed to be constructed dated back to the fourth century B.C. The Maya Civilizations are well known for its art, architecture as well as the astronomical system. Furthermore, these ruins are believed to be one of the most powerful capital of the ancient empire. In 1979, it was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site and preserved for the future generations. It is an interesting piece of architecture because these temples were constructed without the use of modern day technology. However, it was able to withstand harsh different weather for centuries and sustain itself.

c: Original Photograph of something Beautiful

This is a photograph of my visit to Split Old Town, Croatia's largest city in its region and the busiest port in the country. As an aspiring architecture student, it was fascinating to see the fusion of Romanesque, Renaissance and Baroque Architecture at its most prominent landmark, Diolcetian Palace. 

the_kyza ( Khyzyl Saleem, @the_kyza on Instagram): Vintage, Speed, Elegant

Mountain & Moon (Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron, Form, Embellish, Intricate

Trent Jansen Studio ( Representation, Intrigue, Exotic