Sunday 26 April 2020

Progess Update

36 Custom Textures

Moving Element

Lumion Renders

Theory: Space adapts to requirement

Some of the spaces have the ability to change in order to respond to different needs and activities. Environmental designers use the terms adaptability and flexibility to define these two approaches (Einifar, 2003, pp. 66-67). Bentley proposes the term robustness to describe the ability of places that can be used for many different purposes and can offer their users more choices (Bentley, Alcock, Murrain, McGlynn, & Smith, 1985, p. 10, p. 56). In architecture and environmental design, it can be described as the ability to change and reorganize the built environment to adapt new requirements

Keyword: Space, Adaptabilty, Requirement

Maryam Gharavi Alkhansari. ‘Toward a Convergent Model of Flexibility in Architecture’. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 42, no. 2 (2018): 120–33. Accessed doi:10.3846/jau.2018.6241.

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